Friday, September 10, 2010

Where Americans Stand

Since we were discussing how attitudes towards immigration have fluctuated in class this week, I thought I would go to Gallup Polls and see if they had a poll on attitude towards immigration (of course they had one.)  Here was the poll they conducted:


I found it intriguing of the spike in percentages of people that want to see immigration decreased.  As shown above, only 39% of people wanted to see discrimination decreased in the middle of 2008, as compared to the middle of 2009, which was 50%.  I was disappointed that this poll did not continue into 2010 because it would have been interesting to compare those numbers with the midterm elections and SB 1070.  Despite that, it would be interesting to research if those numbers correlated with the recession.  The poll went further into breaking those numbers down into political parties and such, but overall I think this poll demonstrates that immigration is a rising concern for Americans right now.

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