Friday, November 12, 2010

SB 1070's Effects

SB 1070 still had an affect on Latinos in Arizona, with around 100,000 leaving Arizona since the passing of the law.  It is estimated that around a forth of those moved back to Mexico, and the report did not include who was legal residents or not.  The report conducted also included that these migrations will actually hurt Arizona's economy.  The rest of the article goes on to explain SB 1070 and immigration law.

Even though many parts of SB 1070 were struck down, I feel the supporters of the bill are still reaping the benefits.  The law intended to scare illegal immigrants away, but unfortunately this report does not show how many legal residents left because of the legislation, also.  I also found it interesting that the report included an economic take on this massive migration because that is definitely an unfortunate side effect to cracking down on immigration.

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