Monday, November 8, 2010

Wrap-Up of Immigration in 2010 Midterm Elections

Here is a video from the New York Times; Lawrence Downes and David Shipley discuss how immigration has played out in this past election.

They discuss many issues that we have already covered in class.  Downes not only goes into the negativity surrounding immigration during the election, but he specifically acknowledges the extreme scare tactics that Sharron Angle used during her election.  He also discusses Obama's role, and he summarizes how Obama has made a substantial and clear stance on immigration reform but lacks in actual action.

I think this video was informative to watch from the standpoint of post-election.  I feel all these issues that have been discussed in this video and in class are unfortunately going to drop out of the pressing political discourse.  This may become beneficial to actually having something done in Washington, but it also might cause more apathy since the issue is not so pressing.

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