Saturday, November 6, 2010

Something's Getting Done?

In the U.S., one of the biggest issues of immigration is the lack of changing the actual policy.  This is not a problem in the United Kingdom since they recently enacted a new immigration policy there.  A pivotal aspect of this legislation is to limit the amount of international students not studying in elite universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge.  As someone that did an exchange program over there with one of their standard universities, I was really disappointed to hear this piece of news.  I met some exceptional international students over at my school Leeds Met, and it is a shame that the opportunity might not be extended to them anymore.  I would be ashamed if the United States adopted a policy to lessen the amount of international students to come here and study.  I feel this kind of migration in the world is a great way for not only people to learn about different cultures, but it also helps exchange ideas and philosophies that might of not been discovered before.  I really hope the international students in the U.K. really push for the parliament to repeal this act because I do not feel this is the way to accurately address their increase in immigration.

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