Monday, October 25, 2010

Another "Angle"

Sharron Angle was back at it again with immigration by releasing this new ad campaign:

She first starts by stating illegal immigrants come over here and join gangs.  I am also in rhetoric class this semester, and I can already tell you she has committed two major logical fallacies in this accusation.  She has a slippery slope fallacy because she depicts this picture: illegal immigrant come here, then join violent gangs, and then cause worry to American families.  Obviously, this is a very narrow point-of-view on immigration, and it does not always follow logic.  She also commits a fallacy by making a hasty generalization that all Mexican immigrants want to join a gang and promote violence.  Again, there has been more than enough evidence that most illegal immigrants don't participate in violent, illegal activity.

She then uses the rest of this commercial to attack Harry Reid on his actions taken for illegal immigration.  Angle does not provide any sources for those accusations.  With the other aspects of this election that I have wrote on, I really feel Sharron Angle does not accurately know enough about the immigration debate to have proper public discourse on the matter.  Hopefully the voters in Nevada recognize her inconsistencies and unfounded opinions, also.

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