Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Don't Vote" Ad

This ad, which aired in Nevada, is outraging about everyone, especially Latino voters.  The ad starts off in Spanish, and then it progresses, in English, to tell voters to send a message to the Democrats (does not spell out Democrats, but implies it through pictures) by not voting in the election this year.  The narrator explains that the politicians failed on immigration reform, so voters should send them a strong message by not voting.

Obviously, there is some clear ulterior motives behind this campaign.  Right now the election between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle is almost a tie, and with encouraging Latino voters not to vote this year, the person sponsoring this ad wants Harry Reid to lose the votes.  Although this ad is not approved by Sharron Angle, it definitely works towards her advantage because she has made it quite clear in her earlier ad campaigns that she does not support immigration in almost any fashion.  Hopefully, Latino voters do not buy into the message in this ad because that would be a shame.  They have a right to vote, like every other American citizen.

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