Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lou Dobbs: The Hypocrite?

A magazine ripped Lou Dobbs for hiring illegals at his own house.  As many people know, Lou Dobbs has been a staunch critic on the issue of illegal immigration.  Isabel McDonald, the author of this article featured in The Nation, claims that Lou Dobbs has hired contractors that have been known to hire illegal immigrants.  She further goes into how Dobbs "has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper."  Dobbs has of course publicly denied these claims the articles have made.  He has said that all his workers on the stables are 100% legal.  Since the actual article in The Nation does use irrelevant remarks about his daughter being a champion show jumper, I think it hurts the credibility of McDonald's claims.

Even if these accusations are true , I think it shows that even critics of undocumented workers cannot truly escape the influence of illegal immigration.  With this and Meg Whitman's houseworker, it demonstrates that there is possibly a need for these types of workers to fill jobs that Americans will not.  I know that opens room for numerous debates, but the important aspect to obtain out of this information is that something in the system needs to be fixed.

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