Thursday, October 7, 2010

Now Muslims Are Taking Over?

I remember in class we watched a political ad featuring Sharron Angle criticizing illegal immigrants (she only showed Hispanics in her ad, by the way), but now it looks like she has moved on to attack another immigrant group in this country--Muslims.  In a recent Tea Party demonstration in Nevada, she claimed that not only was this group is a problem, but that they are trying to have Sharia Law overrule constitutional law.  Basically, she believes that Muslims are taking over this country.  Sound familiar?  This happened with the Italians, the Irish, the Germans, the Chinese, and the Hispanics (which is obviously still an argument, too).

With the recent debates around the mosque around Ground Zero and the elections coming up, I am not surprised that Angle took this angle (pun intended) on this issue.  In looking at this poll from, it is easy to see why she would use this political topic to her advantage:
Although much of these worries surrounding Islam and its influence on American society are unfounded and overstated, I unfortunately do not see people changing their beliefs anytime soon when we have people, like Angle, that use this fear to their political advantage.

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