Monday, October 18, 2010

Providing a Different "Angle"

In responding to her political ad slamming Harry Reid on immigration, Sharron Angle met with Hispanic High School students to downplay her beliefs.  Her attempts appeared to hurt her more than help, though.  In answering a student's question on why she used Latinos to represent illegal immigrants, Sharron Angle merely responded that the immigrants do not look exactly Hispanic to her.   She even hurt her credibility more by saying some of the Hispanic students in the audience look more Asian than Latino.

I will admit I was not the biggest Sharron Angle fan before this, but I found her responses offensive and unthoughtful.  I think it was an appropriate time to perhaps admit she did single out Hispanics in her ad, but she meant no harm in it because her focus is on illegal immigration, not race.  Instead, I feel she has alienated not only a Hispanic voter base, but an Asian voter base, too.  The best lesson to take out of this is that immigration should not be narrowed down to race because when that happens, it is a step backwards, not forwards.

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